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  • Ensure full strength of teachers, and for current session, fill vacancies on contractual basis.
  • Allow aided colleges to fill up vacant posts
  • Teachers attendance to be ensured (checking by Department Officers, senior District Officers and outside agencies)
  • No foreign leave to be allowed to teachers during session and no transfers to be there during session
  • Teachers no to be assigned any other duties (except statutory) during college hours. Any other duty, to be assigned by any other Department should be only after college hours & on payment of suitable honorarium
  • Improve libraries, science labs, set up more computer/multimedia labs and also set up Functional English labs in colleges.
  • Control bogus enrolment of students and eliminate practice of proxy teachers.
  • Ensure remedial coaching for students, particularly for Maths, Science and English subjects.
  • Support co-curricular activities, through Earn While You Learn Scheme, in areas like Library, Science Labs and Computer Lab.
  • Improve sports infrastructure in colleges.
  • Improve Soft Skills of College students, so as to improve their employability, particularly in the IT/ITES sector.
  • Institute Prizes/scholarships for Topper students, for better motivation.
  • Higher focus on Teacher Training, in their own subject, computers and English.
  • Establishment of EDUSAT Network for Teacher Training, teaching of Maths, English and Science etc.
  • Encourage Guest Faculty for lectures in Colleges. Set up Placement Services in the Govt. Colleges.
  • Start new job oriented courses in Govt. Colleges. Liberally allow NOCs for new job oriented courses on self financing basis for the private colleges.
  • Encourage establishment of Institutions of Excellence of Higher Learning, through setting up of Education City. Also provide for enabling statute for setting up of Private Universities in the State. 
  • Encourage State Universities to start new courses in emerging areas of technology.
  • Examine changes in the Examination system, so as to move towards semester system, with Credits and Relative grading
  • Encourage setting up of new reputed colleges in private sector, through allotment of more sites by HUDA/Municipal Committee.




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